zkipster is beefing up! We’ve added a mobile high-speed printer and a smart social media integration add-on feature, launched the app on Android and opened offices in Sao Paulo and Hong Kong!
After zkipster’s widely recognized market entry with its first add-on, zFace, we decided to follow up and offer the event industry yet another laser fast guest check-in improvement: a mobile high-speed name tag printer seamlessly integrated into the zkipster guest list app. Event check-in with name tags and badge pick-up enters a new era.
As with the basic check-in app, the process for guests is even more streamlined, and as a side effect, the 'party sharpie' will be evicted from all premises. No more public humiliation for the walk-ins with the hand-scribbled name tags stuck on their shirts! zPrint printers are wirelessly connected to the app and is able to print tags in seconds. zkipster has also launched on Android, making zkipster the first and the only check-in app on all three guest list management platforms - Android, iOS and Windows 8.
The Android app is available free of charge at Google’s Play Store.Finally, with more than 2 million guests checked globally since its launch, zkipster is proud to open offices in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and Hong Kong. “We want to expand our local presence with account executives on the ground”, says Co-Founder Daniel Dessauges. “Our mission is to turn digital guest list management into a global thing - the response in Asia and Latin America has been very positive.”
Hope you enjoyed the update! Keep an eye out for our next post on Life at zkipster, where you'll meet our new team members around the globe! zkipster also had a party and everyone checked in to check out zFace.
Happy planning!

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