Produce powerful event reports with just a couple of clicks. Provide compelling, centralized insights about your attendees and events and demonstrate tangible event ROI.
See what happens to your event communications after you click send
Full visibility and accountability across your entire suite of email, SMS and WhatsApp communications, and RSVP and consent forms.
Monitor real-time data on RSVP progress and responses through a user-friendly dashboard that tells you who has opened, clicked, or not received your event communications. No more blind spots, and no more manual event management.
Check confirmations and declines at a glance, and view response rates over time by creating a report based on RSVP dates.
Trigger email notifications to specific team members when guests on their lists accept or decline an invitation.
Easily generate error codes for bounces and trigger resends.

Take zkipster for a test drive and try out all of the powerful tools for event organizers, from creating a guest list to exporting an event planning report.
Leverage smart event reporting tools and guest insights tailored to increase ROI for special events.
Instantly view metrics such as check-ins, peak arrival times, show-up rate, session attendance, seating, and more.
Access attendee tracking for specific guest lists, view individual guest journeys at a granular level, and gain a better understanding of individual guests for future events. Any custom data, forms, attachments or notes added to guest profiles can also be exported.
Act on live attendance data by monitoring progress as your event is happening.
Keep track of walk-ins with a counter showing guests added before, during, and after your event.
The moment your event is over, the data is right there at your fingertips and ready to export - no more waiting while manual reports are compiled.
Instantly report on any data point or historic event activity you want to share with stakeholders.
Take a broader view and factor in additional data points by reporting on multiple events simultaneously instead of one specific event.
Create custom event reporting filtered by client, campaign or team; by event type, theme, size or location; by guest list or status; covering a particular date range...the choice is yours.
Include data on events, guests, communications, forms and seating.
Plus, add an activity log for all participating devices and users.

With additional user seats and enhanced admin and security features, the Enterprise plan enables more insight sharing across your team, more collaboration on the event experience, and more ROI from your events.
Use integrations to enrich your data and create a flywheel effect over time. Embedding zkipster in your workflows and consistently feeding in new attendee data makes for an optimal user experience - and ever more powerful event reporting.